CARF Accreditation

Three-Year Accreditation

CARF® awarded Empowering Minds Resource Center a Three-Year Accreditation outcome for our behavioral health programs. The accreditation process includes an on-site visit by a team of CARF® surveyors at our office, which they conduct a thorough external review of our organization to determine if we are conforming to its standards of quality healthcare. CARF® awarding our organization with a Three-Year Accreditation means, “The organization satisfies each of the CARF® Accreditation Conditions and demonstrates substantial conformance to the standards. It is designed and operated to benefit the persons served. The organization demonstrates quality improvement from any previous periods of CARF® accreditation.” We will continue with our commitment of providing quality, evidence-based, effective, and efficient services to our clients, staff, funders, partners, stakeholders, and community.

The accreditation will extend through 2026.

The Commission on Accredited Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) is an independent, nonprofit organization that reviews and grants accreditation services nationally and internationally on request of a facility or program. Their standards are rigorous, so those services that meet them are often considered among the best available.

What This Means for Patients

As a patient, selecting a CARF-accredited facility has the following advantages:

  • CARF-accredited programs ensure the highest industry standards possible, providing risk reduction and accountability.
  • CARF-accredited programs and services have demonstrated that they substantially meet internationally recognized standards. CARF accreditation means that you can be confident that an organization has made a commitment to continually enhance the quality of its services and programs, and its focus is on consumer satisfaction.

Choosing CARF-accredited programs and services gives you the assurance that:

  • The programs or services actively involve consumers in selecting, planning, and using services.
  • The organization’s programs and services have met consumer-focused, state-of-the-art international standards of performance.
  • These standards were developed with the involvement and input of consumers.
  • The organization is focused on assisting each consumer in achieving his or her chosen goals and outcomes.

Accreditation Matters

Achieving accreditation shows the public and funders/regulators your commitment to continuously improve services, manage risk, and distinguish your service delivery.

These valuable benefits and unique advantages are the greatest return on your accreditation investment:

  • Assurance to persons seeking services and funding sources, referral agencies, and the community that a provider has demonstrated conformance to internationally accepted standards
  • Person-focused standards that emphasize an integrated and individualized approach to services and outcomes
  • Improved communication with persons served
  • Evidence to federal, state, provincial, and local governments of commitment to quality of programs and services that receive government funding
  • Management techniques that are efficient, cost-effective, and based on outcomes and consumer satisfaction
  • Guidance for responsible management and professional growth of personnel
  • Support from us through consultation, publications, training opportunities, and newsletters

The Value of Accreditation Goes Beyond Conformance

Accreditation positively impacts your business and services in many ways. These benefits combined with the strength of our internationally accepted standards and consultative peer-review model, are distinguishing factors that make CARF the accreditor of choice for health and human service providers.

  • Business improvement
  • Risk management
  • Funding/contract access
  • Positive visibility
  • Peer networking
  • Accountability
  • Insurance premium savings
  • eLearning support